Junior passed away without any warning just before Thanksgiving 2009. He is the daddy to many of our Springer kids. We miss him dearly. He was a wonderful, sweet Springer who never met anyone or anything he didn't like. He was asset to the breed - and our family.
Another MULTI-CHAMPION here at Promise Kennels! Junior completed his UKC CHAMPION Title in SHORT order at the Hanford, CA shows Sept 29-30, 2007 - 3 shows in 1 weekend! Going BEST OF Breed and a GROUP 3rd in the process! And at the YOUNG age of.... 8 years old! AKC, UKC, UCI CHAMPION. Junior was so proud of his newest Champion title, he came home and celebrated - with Binnie! We are now expecting Springer pups the first week of December, 2007!
NEW AKC CHAMPION! Junior finishes his AKC title with a Major Win in Tucson AZ, November 12, 2004! Our homebred champion, JUNIOR! Shown here with Lynda O'Connor, our handler and friend. Junior loves her too!
Junior has an impressive pedigree (See below: Pembroke's Merry Maverick, CGC <pointed> X Sierra Queen Of Craiglind,CGC<pointed>). He is Receiving another win, in Oklahoma at the Town and Country show, May, 2004. He is being expertly shown by our wonderful handler, Lynda O'Connor.
Here is Junior, ringside at his first ever shows in Santa Rosa, CA (1/ 2004). Junior has a wonderful temperament with people of all ages, AND with other dogs (female AND male!). He is also a wonderful "Uncle" to our younger Golden puppies. "Plays well with others" is a good description of Junior. We fully expect Junior to pass this wonderful trait to his offspring. At his first outing as a show dog, he not only won FIRST in his class, he won BEST OF BREED, and BEST BRED-BY EXHIBITOR at ALL THREE IABCA shows that weekend!
Junior, winning his first AKC point. He is being shown by our wonderful handler, Lynda O'Connor. This was the Rio Hondo show in Southern California the first weekend in May, 2004. Junior was shown by Lynda at the English Springer Spaniel Specialties in Cypress, CA April 24-25, 2004 where he placed SECOND and FOURTH for his first weekend out with Lynda in classes so large they had to be judged in 2 groups. GOOD JOB! (I have it on good authority the following words were heard at ringside:"WHO THE HECK IS THAT SPRINGER, AND WHERE DID HE COME FROM?" SURPRISE! After not being seen or heard from in years, "We're Back!"
Here is Junior winning his FIRST MAJOR in Pomona during the Mission Circuit in May, 2004. THANK YOU LYNDA!!! In addition to Junior's incredible temperament, we'd like to share with you some of his physical attributes:Junior is an overall, well balanced dog with a wonderful liver and white coat. His head is well porportioned, teeth show correct scissor bite, and his eyes are correctly shaped, ears well set. He has good spring of rib with good depth to the chest. Junior has a strong, firm topline with well muscled upper thigh and good angulation front and rear. An overall sound mover with a wonderful ground covering stride. With his AKC Champion and UCICB Int'l Champion titles Junior is available to approved bitches for breeding. Please call us or email for the specifics of our Stud Contract. All clearances available (OFA hips GOOD -at 58 months! NORMAL elbows, heart, & CERF). We are expecting a litter in July/August. CHECK BACK SOON FOR AN UPDATE and more info!
Junior and Lynda in Georgia, summer 2004
 Although this pedigree may be a little blurry, we wanted to include a jpeg of it. This is Junior's sister, Keeli's pedigree, but they have the SAME parents, just DIFFERENT birthdays!Hopefully you can make out the info well enough.
Junior & Keeli's dad, our wonderful "RICKY" (Pembroke's Merry Maverick, CGC <pointed>) with our daughter Jennifer. He is winning WINNERS DOG at Yosemite Kennel Club show in Merced, 1997.
This is Junior's and Keeli's mom, "Sierra" (Sierra Queen Of Craiglind CGC <pointed>). Sierra is here with Jennifer sporting her new ribbons at a show in Fresno. 1996 Still healthy and acting like a Springer of 4 years old, she loves to "sing to us" and catch treats in the air. With the exception of a few grayer hairs on her muzzle, you'd never guess her age is 11!
Here is another picture of Jennifer and Sierra, having fun in the ring, at another show in Fresno - Sunmaid Kennel Club. 1996. I know there are more show pictures of Ricky and Sierra (some are framed and on the wall). If I get an extra minute I will try to scan them in here also.
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